Error-in-Variables for Special Models Describing Brittle-Ductile Transition
In this work it shows the application of the method of error-in-variable (EIV), based methodology to fit the envelope in the principal effective stresses plane considering the envelope describing brittle-ductile transition and pore collapse (cap model). The parametric equations of the failure envelope can be obtained introducing the concept of poroelasticity of Biot, representing the state of stress by the effective mean stress and the equivalent stress . A nonlinear algebraic form represents the envelope equations delimiting the brittle-to-ductile transitional region of the failure or yield envelope. To illustrate the application of this methodology, we use the mechanical data for the brittle strength and compactive yield stress for Bentheim sandstone and the normalized principal stresses for ten different sandstones describing brittle-ductile transition behavior. Results demonstrate that the EIV method provides a simple way to obtain the parametric representation of the envelope in the plane of principal effective stress, describing the deformation mechanism of the tested rock that involves the pore collapse effect.
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