Newspaper advertising as a source for the history of Kazan industry in the second half of the XIX century

Palabras clave: Craft Enterprise, Newspaper Advertising, Qualitative Approach, Quantitative Method. Empresa de Artesanías, Enfoque Cualitativo, Método cuantitativo, Publicidad en periódicos.



The research is based on a combination of quantitative methods allowing to consider newspaper advertising as a specific kind of mass historical source and qualitative approach to observation of individual advertising materials. There were formal features pointed out of the quantitative approach allowing joint separate advertising materials in groups to discover regularity. Newspaper advertising was one of such methods of the reaction and reflected the peculiarities of the enterprise's behavior on the market. The vast majority of newspaper advertising manufacturers are the announcement of craft enterprises. Newspaper advertising is in many ways a unique source that characterizes Russian business practices.


La investigación se basa en una combinación de métodos cuantitativos que permiten considerar la publicidad en periódicos como un tipo específico de fuente histórica masiva y un enfoque cualitativo para la observación de materiales publicitarios individuales. Hubo características formales señaladas en el enfoque cuantitativo que permitieron que los materiales publicitarios conjuntos por separado en grupos descubrieran regularidad. La publicidad en los periódicos fue uno de esos métodos de reacción y reflejó las peculiaridades del comportamiento de la empresa en el mercado. La gran mayoría de los fabricantes de publicidad en periódicos son el anuncio de empresas artesanales. La publicidad en los periódicos es, en muchos sentidos, una fuente única que caracteriza las prácticas comerciales rusas.

Biografía del autor/a

S. F GALANIN, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Sergey Fedorovich Galanin studied in higher education at Kazan (Volga) Federal University (philosophy) in 1991-1996. His qualification is Historian. His position is Associate Professor (Associate Professor), KFU in the Institute of International Relations / Department Higher School of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage / Department of World Cultural Heritage (main employee).

A. S HAKIMOVA, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI
Anora Salihovna Hakimova was born in 1972. She graduated from the Faculty of History of KSU, in 1994 entered the full-time postgraduate course at the Faculty of History of KSU (1994-1997), and finished it ahead of schedule. her positions held are Associate Professor in Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI.
S. S GALANINA, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Sofia SergeevnaGalanina Candidate of Biological Sciences in Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia. She studied in Higher education at Kazan State University.  Her qualification is historian, teacher Positions held and Deputy Director for Research, KFU in the institute of International Relations / IMO Directorate (main employee).

R. M VALEEV, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Rafael Mirgasimovich Valeev is chief researcher, doctor of science and associate professor at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia. He studied in Higher education at Kazan State University. His qualification is historian, teacher Positions held and Deputy Director for Research, KFU in the Institute of International Relations / IMO Directorate (main employee).



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Cómo citar
GALANIN, S. F., HAKIMOVA, A. S., GALANINA, S. S., & VALEEV, R. M. (2019). Newspaper advertising as a source for the history of Kazan industry in the second half of the XIX century. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 13-18. Recuperado a partir de