Critical thinking and reflective practice in the science education practicum in Kuwait

Palabras clave: Critical thinking, reflective practice, science literacy, teaching practicum. alfabetización científica, pensamiento crítico, práctica docente, práctica reflexiva.



This is a speculative paper linking critical thinking to reflective practice in science education teaching practicum for the prospective teachers of science in Kuwait. The writer has identified that student teachers lack in a critical thinking approach to teaching sciences, promoting science literacy, and critically linking science to society and technology, definition of critical thinking has  been interpreted in a context of reflective practice, with a redefinition of the factors contributing to unexamined, uncritically absorbed assumptions about teaching and learning. The paper has also shed light on how critical thinking can be evaluated in the teaching practice component.


Este es un documento especulativo que vincula el pensamiento crítico con la práctica reflexiva en la práctica de la enseñanza de la educación científica para los futuros profesores de ciencias en Kuwait. El escritor ha identificado que los estudiantes docentes carecen de un enfoque de pensamiento crítico para enseñar ciencias, promover la alfabetización científica y vincular críticamente la ciencia con la sociedad y la tecnología. La definición del pensamiento crítico se ha interpretado en un contexto de práctica reflexiva, con una redefinición de los factores, contribuyendo a suposiciones no examinadas, absorbidas sin crítica sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El documento también ha arrojado luz sobre cómo se puede evaluar el pensamiento crítico en el componente de práctica docente.

Biografía del autor/a

A. AL-HASHIM, Faculty of education Khaldiya Campus

Abdullah is from Salford University, UK. He was assistant secretary-general of human and environmental affairs sectors with the cooperation council for Arab states of Gulf from 2006-2016. He received a Ph.D. degree in curricula and method of teaching science (Environmental Sciences) from University of Northern Colorado-USA and a Master of Science in environmental sciences from University of Northern Colorado-USA in 1979. He is a well social and environmental consultant, affiliated with some companies. Ha has good background of research published in reputable journals and also writer of four books based on environmental education.




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Cómo citar
AL-HASHIM, A. (2019). Critical thinking and reflective practice in the science education practicum in Kuwait. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 85-96. Recuperado a partir de