Prevention of mens rea corruption of prospective legislators in Indonesia from a psychological perspective

Palabras clave: Corruption, Cultural Values, Mens Rea, Personality. Corrupción, Personalidad, Valores Culturales.



The purpose of this study is to analyze how to prevent mens rea corruption candidates for legislators in Indonesia with a psychological approach with the concept of conformity. The results showed that there were legislative candidates who had received permanent verdicts as corruptors but nominated themselves as legislative members. Psychology approach emphasizes the aspect of mens rea. Simultaneously in addition to a juridical approach in the form of punishment, also a psychological approach in the form of inculcation of local cultural values, and to be effective, real cooperation is carried out between the government, business activists, and academics.



El propósito de este estudio es analizar cómo prevenir los candidatos de corrupción mens rea para legisladores en Indonesia con un enfoque psicológico con el concepto de conformidad. Los resultados mostraron que había candidatos legislativos que habían recibido veredictos permanentes como corruptores, pero se nominaban a sí mismos como miembros legislativos. El enfoque psicológico enfatiza el aspecto de mens rea. Simultáneamente, además de un enfoque jurídico en forma de castigo, también un enfoque psicológico en forma de inculcación de valores culturales locales y, para ser efectivo, se lleva a cabo una cooperación real entre el gobierno, los activistas empresariales y los académicos.

Biografía del autor/a

M ARDI PUTRI, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Pancasila Jakarta
Maharani Ardi Putri received a BS degree in 1998-2003 from the university of Katolic Indonesia Atma Jaya and Ms degree in 2003-2005 from Indonesia university. She is a lecturer associated, with the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pancasila Jakarta, Indonesia (main employee). Her research area interest is on psychology, crime, industry and information psychology.
A SAPTOMO, Faculty of Law Universitas Pancasila Jakarta

Ade Saptomo received a Doctoral degree in 2000-2003 from Gadjah Mada University. He is a professor in the faculty of law, Universitas Pancasila Jakarta, Indonesia  (main employee) and from 2016-2019 is chairman in faculty. His research area interest is on psychology, law, culture, political, crime, civil law, and information psychology. He has many articles in this area.


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Cómo citar
ARDI PUTRI, M., & SAPTOMO, A. (2019). Prevention of mens rea corruption of prospective legislators in Indonesia from a psychological perspective. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 352-359. Recuperado a partir de