Decorative Effect in the Solution of Children's Drawings on Historical Topics.

  • Ekaterina AKISHINA Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia
  • Nadezhda SEVRYUKOVA Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia
Palabras clave: Medieval art, visual arts, visualization, visual learning. / Arte medieval, arte visual, visualización, aprendizaje visual.




The article analyzes decorative drawings sent to the All-Russian Drawing Competition among students of general education organizations for the 500th anniversary of the Tula Kremlin (Tula, Russia) on the topic "Tula Kremlin is the pride of Russia". The relevance of studying the decorative solution of children's drawings is associated with the fact that decorative drawing most fully reflects the child's desire to express their emotional attitude to reality. The article analyzes the decorative effect of children's drawings on historical themes; classifies competitive drawings; considers artistic techniques that help to direct the creative search of a student on the path of emotional artistic development.



El artículo analiza dibujos decorativos enviados al Concurso de Dibujo de toda Rusia entre estudiantes de organizaciones de educación general por el 500 aniversario del Tula Kremlin (Tula, Rusia) sobre el tema "Tula Kremlin es el orgullo de Rusia". La relevancia de estudiar la solución decorativa de los dibujos infantiles está asociada con el hecho de que el dibujo decorativo refleja más plenamente el deseo del niño de expresar su actitud emocional ante la realidad. El artículo analiza el efecto decorativo de los dibujos infantiles en temas históricos; clasifica dibujos competitivos; considera técnicas artísticas que ayudan a dirigir la búsqueda creativa de un estudiante en el camino del desarrollo artístico emocional.

Biografía del autor/a

Ekaterina AKISHINA, Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Ph.D (in Art critics). Member of the Council for the Development of Teacher Education under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Member of the Interdepartmental Council for the Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation. Director of the FSBSI "Institute of Arts education And Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education". Author of more than 80 scientific papers of various fields, including monographs ("Problems of Interpreting the Content of Musical Works by Alfred Schnittke", "Contemporary Music and the Horizons of Musical Education", "Pedagogical Potential of Mastering Russian Musical Culture of the Late XX - Early XXI Century in the Practice of Continuous Art Education "(2018) et al.); scientific articles; continuing education programs; textbook for children's music schools and children's art schools "Musical content".

Nadezhda SEVRYUKOVA, Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher FGNU "Institute of art education and cultural studies of RAO", Member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia. Scientific interests: history of art, preschool education.


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Cómo citar
AKISHINA, E., & SEVRYUKOVA, N. (2020). Decorative Effect in the Solution of Children’s Drawings on Historical Topics. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 22-30. Recuperado a partir de