Development of Student Musician's Methodological Competence in Practice-Oriented University Environment

  • Elena Aleksandrovna DYGANOVA Kazan Federal University, Russian Federation
  • Zilia Muhtarovna YAVGILDINA Kazan State Institute of Culture, Russian Federation
Palabras clave: Music education, music pedagogy, music teacher, competence. / Educación musical, pedagogía musical, profesor de música, competencia.




The article reflects the experience of solving the issue of developing and implementing efficient pedagogical means into higher education practice. The goal of the study is the academic justification of the process of methodological competence formation in student musicians within a practice-oriented university environment. The study has shown that certain pedagogical conditions are an efficient means of developing the future music teacher's methodological competence in the practice-oriented university environment according to federal state requirements for such a specialist's level of education.



El artículo refleja la experiencia de resolver el problema de desarrollar e implementar medios pedagógicos eficientes en la práctica de la educación superior. El objetivo del estudio es la justificación académica del proceso de formación de competencia metodológica en músicos estudiantes dentro de un ambiente universitario orientado a la práctica. El estudio ha demostrado que ciertas condiciones pedagógicas son un medio eficiente para desarrollar la competencia metodológica del futuro profesor de música en el entorno universitario orientado a la práctica de acuerdo con los requisitos del estado federal para el nivel de educación de dicho especialista.

Biografía del autor/a

Elena Aleksandrovna DYGANOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan (Volga) Federal University. In 1998 graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory. N.G. Zhiganova, conducting and choral faculty, specializing in conducting an academic choir, qualification: choirmaster, teacher. In 2014, defended thesis on "The formation of a culture of self-education of the future teacher-musician in the process of mastering conductor-choral disciplines". Currently, associate professor of the Department of Tatar Studies and Cultural Studies, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan (Volga) Federal University. Scientific interests: musical pedagogy, conductor-choral pedagogy and performance, professional self-education and self-development, musicology.


Zilia Muhtarovna YAVGILDINA, Kazan State Institute of Culture, Russian Federation

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kazan State Institute of Culture. In 1984 graduated from the music department of Kazan State Pedagogical Institute. From 1991 to 2019 worked at the Kazan State Pedagogical University and the Kazan (Volga) Federal University. Author defended her thesis in 1997 on the topic “Tatar children’s folklore as a means of musical and aesthetic education of schoolchildren”, and in 2007 doctoral dissertation on the theme “Development of general music education in Tatarstan (XX century).” Currently, Vice Rector for Research, Kazan State Institute of Culture. Scientific interests: musical pedagogy, art education, aesthetic education, musical folklore.


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Cómo citar
DYGANOVA, E. A., & YAVGILDINA, Z. M. (2020). Development of Student Musician’s Methodological Competence in Practice-Oriented University Environment. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 113-125. Recuperado a partir de