Jury Trial

  • Igor Yurievich NIKODIMOV Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Igor Alexeevich BURMISTROV Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Sergey Ivanovich ZAKHARTSEV
  • Elena Anatolevna MIRONOVA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Tatyana Nikolaevna DOBRUSKINA Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
Palabras clave: trial, administration of justice, jury, verdict. / juicio, administración de justicia, jurado, veredicto.




The jury trial has a long history, its beginnings can be found in antiquity. Over time, the classic jury trial has been transformed into various models under the pressure of factors inherent in certain legal systems. At the present stage, it functions in most democracies, using the features characteristic of each country. However, the level of feasibility of using this institution in each state is different. Focusing on this problem is to consider the features of the functioning of the institution of jury trial as a guarantor of law and justice. This article analyzes the concept and individual characteristics of the functioning of the institution of the jury trial.



El juicio con jurado tiene una larga historia, sus inicios se pueden encontrar en la antigüedad. Con el tiempo, el clásico juicio por jurado se ha transformado en varios modelos bajo la presión de factores inherentes a ciertos sistemas legales. En la etapa actual, funciona en la mayoría de las democracias, utilizando las características propias de cada país. Sin embargo, el nivel de viabilidad de utilizar esta institución en cada estado es diferente. Centrarse en este problema es considerar las características del funcionamiento de la institución del juicio con jurado como garante de la ley y la justicia. Este artículo analiza el concepto y las características individuales del funcionamiento de la institución del juicio con jurado.

Biografía del autor/a

Igor Yurievich NIKODIMOV, Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Russian State Social University, Faculty of Law, Russia. The author of more than 30 scientific and educational works. Scientific interests: the development of the theory of state and law, the history of political and legal doctrines.

Igor Alexeevich BURMISTROV, Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian State Social University, Faculty of Law, Russia. Scientific interests: the development of the theory of state and law, the history of political and legal doctrines.


Sergey Ivanovich ZAKHARTSEV

Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian State Social University, Faculty of Law, Department of Bar and Law Enforcement, Russia. Scientific interests: operational-search activity, criminal process, law enforcement, philosophy of law.

Elena Anatolevna MIRONOVA, Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian State Social University, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Russia. Scientific interests: operational-search activity, criminal process, law enforcement, philosophy of law.


Tatyana Nikolaevna DOBRUSKINA, Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Russian State Social University, Faculty of Law, Russia. Teaching disciplines: penal law, legal psychology. Scientific interests: fight against corruption, prevention of extremism and terrorism, legal awareness, legal culture, psychology of investigative actions, civil society institutions.



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Cómo citar
NIKODIMOV, I. Y., BURMISTROV, I. A., ZAKHARTSEV, S. I., MIRONOVA, E. A., & DOBRUSKINA, T. N. (2020). Jury Trial. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 187-195. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33453