Formation of Competencies in Higher Education by Bachelors and Masters

  • Larisa Pavlovna OBEDKOVA Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Russian Federation
  • Andrey Aleksandrovich EFREMOV Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir Dmitriyevich SEKERIN Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
  • Anna Evgenievna GOROKHOVA Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir Alexander SLEPOV Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation
Palabras clave: Competency-based approach, professional competencies, General Cultural Competencies (GCC-3), Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE 3 ) / Enfoque basado en competencias, competencias profesionales, Competencias generales cultur




In recent years, in higher education, there has been a transition to a competency-based model of education, the purpose of which is the formation of a socially and professionally competent person. The integration of higher education in research is the main idea of the competency-based approach. Such a model for the formation of research competencies of a bachelor/master should be the basis for creating an effective system for the development of professional competence through the development of research skills, the realization of creative abilities, improving the quality of education.



En los últimos años, en la educación superior, ha habido una transición hacia un modelo de educación basado en competencias, cuyo propósito es la formación de una persona social y profesionalmente competente. La integración de la educación superior en la investigación es la idea principal del enfoque basado en competencias. Tal modelo para la formación de competencias de investigación en una licenciatura / maestría, debe ser la base para crear un sistema efectivo y desarrollar competencias profesionales y habilidades de investigación.

Biografía del autor/a

Larisa Pavlovna OBEDKOVA, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Russian Federation

Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department of Sports and Social Work, Department of Management and Economics of Sports named after V.V. Kuzina, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK)”. Scientific interests: specialist in management and economics.

Andrey Aleksandrovich EFREMOV, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization, Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: specialist in the field of logistics, economics and management in industry, innovation management.

Vladimir Dmitriyevich SEKERIN, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Organization, Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: specialist in the field of marketing, diffusion and commercialization of innovation, logistics, economics, organization and production management.

Anna Evgenievna GOROKHOVA, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization, Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: specialist in the field of economics, organization and production management, diffusion and commercialization of innovations, evaluating the effectiveness of innovations.

Vladimir Alexander SLEPOV, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Prices, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Scientific interests: specialist in the field of finance and pricing, the formation of the financial policy of the company.


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Cómo citar
OBEDKOVA, L. P., EFREMOV, A. A., SEKERIN, V. D., GOROKHOVA, A. E., & SLEPOV, V. A. (2020). Formation of Competencies in Higher Education by Bachelors and Masters. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 215-220. Recuperado a partir de