Academic Mobility as a Factor of Migration Activity of Students

  • Tamara Kerimovna ROSTOVSKAYA Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Roman Vladimirovich MANSHIN Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia
  • Natalia Michailovna MEKEKO Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Russia
  • Ekaterina Aleksandrovna KNYAZKOVA Russian State Social University, Russia
Palabras clave: academic mobility, educational emigration, scientific diaspora. / movilidad académica, emigración educativa, diáspora científica .




The purpose of the article was to identify groups of the student population prone to academic mobility. For this, the migratory activity of selected groups of students was analyzed with the help of information databases. The study made three contributions: first, the social groups most likely to migrate were identified, and gender differences were identified. Second, learning the attitude of young people towards studying abroad. Third, the attitude of working abroad, as well as permanent emigration. The author's proposals for the formation of Russian policy in the field of the development of academic mobility are present.



El propósito del artículo fue identificar grupos de la población estudiantil propensos a la movilidad académica. Para ello, se analizó la actividad migratoria de grupos seleccionados de estudiantes con la ayuda de bases de datos de información. El estudio hizo tres contribuciones: en primer lugar, se identificaron los grupos sociales con mayor probabilidad de migrar y se identificaron las diferencias de género. En segundo lugar, el aprendizaje de la actitud de los jóvenes hacia estudiar en el extranjero. En tercer lugar, la actitud de trabajar en el extranjero, así como la emigración permanente. Las propuestas del autor para la formación de la política rusa en el campo del desarrollo de la movilidad académica están presentes.

Biografía del autor/a

Tamara Kerimovna ROSTOVSKAYA, Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Russian State Social University, Russia

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Deputy Director of Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth of the Russian State Social University. Scientific Interests: Political Science, International Relations, Sociology.

Roman Vladimirovich MANSHIN, Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia

PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher, Center for Social Demography, Institute for Social and Political Studies, RAS; Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, RUND University; Associate Professor, Department of Demographic and Migration Policy, MGIMO. Sphere of scientific interests is social and economic and demographic aspects of migratory processes in Russia and foreign countries. The author and co-author more than 100 scientific publications, including monographs «Modern Viet-Nam» (2015), «New model of labour market of Russia: Role of external factors» (2014), «The atlas of demographic development of Russia» (2009), «Demographic prospects of Russia» (2008).

Natalia Michailovna MEKEKO, Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Russia

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences,RUDN University. Carries out the educational process in foreign languages for students of RUDN University and third-party students specializing in the field of physical, mathematical and natural sciencesScientific Interests: Political Science, International Relations, Sociology.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna KNYAZKOVA, Russian State Social University, Russia

Candisate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Youth Work, Russian State Social University. Scientific Interests: Political Science, International Relations, Sociology.


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Cómo citar
ROSTOVSKAYA, T. K., MANSHIN, R. V., MEKEKO, N. M., & KNYAZKOVA, E. A. (2020). Academic Mobility as a Factor of Migration Activity of Students. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 265-278. Recuperado a partir de