Phenomenon of Saint Vladimir in the Aspect of the Christ-Centered Worldview of V.S. Solovyov

  • Maksim PROSKURIAKOV Shandong University, People's Republic of China
Palabras clave: Christ-centeredness, Christianity, Orthodoxy, state / Cristo como centro, cristianismo ortodoxo, estado.




The purpose of the study: analysis of the phenomenon of Saint Vladimir in the aspect of the Christ-centered worldview of V.S. Solovyov. It has been determined the need to solve the following problems: to give the concept of Christ-centeredness as a fundamental characteristic of Russian Orthodoxy; to analyze the phenomenon of Saint Vladimir in the aspect of the Christ-centered worldview of Solovyov. The basics of the Christ-centered universe became the basis for creating transcendental understanding of the Truth by all Russian civil society, the foundation of the state, and legislative philosophy of understanding the russian society.



El propósito del estudio: análisis del fenómeno de San Vladimir en el aspecto de la cosmovisión centrada en Cristo de V.S. Solovyov. Ha determinado la necesidad de resolver los siguientes problemas: dar el concepto de centrarse en Cristo como una característica fundamental de la ortodoxia rusa; analizar el fenómeno de San Vladimir en el aspecto de la cosmovisión centrada en Cristo de Solovyov. Los fundamentos del universo centrado en Cristo se convirtieron en la base para crear una comprensión trascendental de la verdad por parte de toda la sociedad civil rusa, el fundamento del estado y la filosofía legislativa para comprender la condición en la sociedad rusa.

Biografía del autor/a

Maksim PROSKURIAKOV, Shandong University, People's Republic of China

Professor of the Shandong University, School of Foreign Languages and Literature. Researcher in the field of Russian studies, teacher of Russian and Russian literature, specialist in phraseology, textology and discourse analysis. The scientific activity is devoted to the conceptual analysis of the Russian language system, texts and phenomena of Russian literature and culture. Scientific interests: the theory of literature, lexicology and phraseology of a literary work, the theory of scientific and educational styles of the Russian language.





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Cómo citar
PROSKURIAKOV, M. (2020). Phenomenon of Saint Vladimir in the Aspect of the Christ-Centered Worldview of V.S. Solovyov. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(5), 379-387. Recuperado a partir de