Establishing specialized economic courts in Saudi Arabia to boost investments

  • Hamza E. ALBAHETH Shari’ah and Law School, Taif University, Saudi Arabia.
Palabras clave: 2030 vision, Economic courts, Investments, Jurisdiction, Saudi Arabia. / Arabia Saudita, Inversiones, Jurisdicción, Tribunales económicos, Visión 2030.




This paper seeks an effective mechanism to resolve economic disputes and economic crimes by first highlighting the absence of an effective legal platform to resolve such disputes and then suggesting remedial measures through the establishment of specialized economic courts. The author claims that this will offer a new mechanism for resolving economic disputes, in addition to the new commercial courts and the alternatives that already exists in the system. Such a step will also prove a cultural shift facilitating litigants and keeping them abreast with internal and external challenges faced in boosting foreign and domestic investments.



Este documento busca un mecanismo efectivo para resolver disputas económicas y crímenes económicos destacando primero la ausencia de una plataforma legal efectiva para resolver tales disputas y luego sugiriendo medidas correctivas a través del establecimiento de tribunales económicos especializados. El autor afirma que esto ofrecerá un nuevo mecanismo para resolver disputas económicas, además de los nuevos tribunales comerciales y los medios alternativos que ya existen en el sistema. Tal paso también demostrará un cambio cultural que facilitará a los litigantes y los mantendrá al tanto de los desafíos internos y externos que enfrentan para impulsar las inversiones extranjeras y nacionales.

Biografía del autor/a

Hamza E. ALBAHETH, Shari’ah and Law School, Taif University, Saudi Arabia.

is a Faculty member at the Shari’ah and Law Collage, Assistant Professor at Law Department, Taif University , Saudi Arabia. He achieved his Bachelor of Science degree in Law with honor in 2004 from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Also, he got the Master’s degree in law (2013) and then Doctorate in Juridical Science in Law (2018) from Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dedman School of Law, in Dallas, Texas, United States. Currently, he is the Vice-Dean of the Shari’ah and Law College as well as the head of the Department of Law at Taif University. He is also a member of legal committees. He has published a few articles in the field of Law.


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Cómo citar
ALBAHETH, H. E. (2020). Establishing specialized economic courts in Saudi Arabia to boost investments. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 278-288. Recuperado a partir de