Rhetorical Categories of Ethos, Logos and Pathos: Sounding Judicial Speech of Lawyers

  • M.V. YAKUTINA Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • L.V. MILYAEVA Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
  • L.Y. TARASOVA Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
  • P.P. ROSTOVTSEVA Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Palabras clave: Ethos, logos, pathos, prosody./ Ethos, prosodia.




The article presents a phonetic comparative analysis of sounding judicial speech based on three classical rhetorical categories: ethos, logos, pathos. The material includes authentic audio recordings of court speeches by American lawyers with the necessary professional and general cultural competences in the US Supreme Court, which was reflected at the prosodic level of their speech. The vivid, influencing speech nature based on pathos and ethos, polemic, and suggestive discourse based on logos are reflected not only in the variability of basic frequency but in various dynamic and temporal characteristics, depending on the rhetorical category on which they were based.



El artículo presenta un análisis fonético comparativo del sonido del discurso judicial basado en tres categorías retóricas clásicas: ethos, logos, pathos. El material incluye grabaciones de audio auténticas de discursos de la corte de abogados estadounidenses con las competencias culturales profesionales y generales necesarias en la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, que se reflejó en el nivel prosódico de su discurso. La naturaleza del discurso vívida e influyente basada en el pathos y el ethos, el discurso polémico y sugestivo basado en logos se refleja no solo en la variabilidad de la frecuencia básica, sino en diversas características dinámicas y temporales, dependiendo de la categoría retórica.

Biografía del autor/a

M.V. YAKUTINA, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University in 1994. The postgraduate course at Moscow State Linguistic University in 2002. Candidate of Philology. The author of many scientific articles and the participant of different national and international conferences and workshops. The sphere of scientific interests: forensic language, speech prosody, the prosody of public speech, foreign language education, and teaching methods. Associate professor of the Department of English and Professional Communication at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
L.V. MILYAEVA, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Graduated from Tulsa Teachers’ Training University named after Leo Tolstoy in 1997. In 2005 got Ph.D. in Philology at Moscow State Linguistic University, then finished a postdoctoral program at the same University. The author of 2 monographs, more than 20 articles and the participant of different conferences, projects, and workshops. The sphere of scientific interests: sociophonology, political discourse, discourse information structure and analysis, prosody, foreign language education, and teaching methods.
L.Y. TARASOVA, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Graduated from Moscow State Open Teachers Training University in 1997. Since 2001 was a Senior Lecturer Moscow International School of Business. Since 2013 has been a lecturer in Financial University teaching “Professional Communication in English”. The author of many scientific articles and the participant of different national and international conferences. The sphere of scientific interests: foreign language education and teaching methods, philology.
P.P. ROSTOVTSEVA, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University in 1998. In 2013 got Ph.D. in Pedagogy at Moscow Military University. The author of many scientific articles and the participant of different national and international conferences and workshops. The sphere of scientific interests: foreign language education and teaching methods, theory, and methods of professional education and training.


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Cómo citar
YAKUTINA, M., MILYAEVA, L., TARASOVA, L., & ROSTOVTSEVA, P. (2020). Rhetorical Categories of Ethos, Logos and Pathos: Sounding Judicial Speech of Lawyers. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 111-120. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33676