Problem of Creating a Professional Dictionary of Uncodified Vocabulary

  • O.A MOROZOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • A.M YAKHINA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • M.S PESTOVA Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Palabras clave: Citations, dictionary entry, lexicography, oil business language, professional language. / Citas, entrada de diccionario, lenguaje de negocios petroleros, lenguaje profesional, lexicografía.




The article considers the problem of lexicographical fixation of uncodified vocabulary in a professional dictionary. The oil sublanguage, being one of the variants of common language realization used by a limited group of its medium in conditions of official and also non-official communication, provides interaction of people employed in the oil industry. The authors conclude that the creation of a dictionary requires a special approach to the interpretation of words and the engagement of extralinguistic information, contexts and illustrative material.



El artículo considera el problema de la fijación lexicográfica del vocabulario no codificado en un diccionario profesional. El sublenguaje del petróleo, siendo una de las variantes de la realización del lenguaje común utilizado por un grupo limitado de su medio en condiciones de comunicación oficial y también no oficial, proporciona la interacción de las personas empleadas en la industria petrolera. Los autores concluyen que la creación de un diccionario requiere un enfoque especial para la interpretación de las palabras y la participación de información extraliguista, contextos y material ilustrativo.

Biografía del autor/a

O.A MOROZOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Olga Alexeevna Morozova is PhD (Philology), senior lecturer of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. Since 2011 she is a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of this University. She combines her background in teaching and an interest in writing to design writing interventions for undergraduate students. Her research examines Comparative – Historical linguistics, Comparative Phraseology, Theoretical Grammar of Modern English, Professional Languages. She has recently published a monograph on Professional Oil Language.
A.M YAKHINA, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Albina Mukhametdinovna Yakhina is PhD (Philology), senior lecturer of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. She works at the Department of English Philology and Cross Cultural Communication, Faculty of Foreign Languages. Her main interests include Professional Languages, Theoretical Phonetics, Written Communication, Comparative Linguistics, Comparative Phraseology, Pragmatics.
M.S PESTOVA, Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Maria Sergeevna Pestova is PhD (Philology), Ass. Professor of the Ural State Law University. Currently she works there as an Ass. Professor at the Chair of Russian, Foreign Languages and Culture of Speech. Also she has previous experience of teaching abroad and working for several universities within Russia (Ural Institute for the Humanities, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University). Her area of scientific interests comprises researches in the spheres of Comparative Linguistics, Comparative Phraseology, Phraseography, Pragmatics, Translation Studies, Translation Erratology, etc. Russian Federation.


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Cómo citar
MOROZOVA, O., YAKHINA, A., & PESTOVA, M. (2020). Problem of Creating a Professional Dictionary of Uncodified Vocabulary. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 195-206. Recuperado a partir de