Women Derivative Names with Suffix -Чиц (А) / -Щиц(А) in the Russian Media Space

  • R.R. GUZAEROVA Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Russia
  • V.A. KOSOVA Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Russia
  • L. GUZI Institute of Russian Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov in Prešov. Slovakia
Palabras clave: Femininity, gender, word-formation. / Feminidad, formación de palabras, género.




The article is devoted to functioning in the modern russian language word-formation type with the suffix -чиц (а)/-щиц (а) as a means of expressing the derivational category of femininity. The language material of the study is represented by 459 lexemes with the suffix -чиц (а)/-щиц (а), functioning in modern contexts. The semantic and stylistic characteristics of the considered word-formation type are given. The conclusion is made about the productivity and universality of the feminitives -чиц (а)/-щиц (а) in modern Russian, which allows them to remain in the center of the word-formation category of femininity.



El artículo está dedicado a funcionar en el tipo moderno de formación de palabras en ruso con el sufijo –чиц (а) / - щиц (а) como un medio para expresar la categoría derivada de la feminidad. El material lingüístico del estudio está representado por 459 lexemas con el sufijo –чиц (а) / - щиц (а), que funciona en contextos modernos. Se dan las características semánticas y estilísticas del tipo considerado de formación de palabras. Se llega a la conclusión sobre la productividad y la universalidad de las feminitivas –чиц (а) / - щиц (а) en el ruso moderno, lo que les permite permanecer en el centro de la categoría de feminidad de formación de palabras.


Biografía del autor/a

R.R. GUZAEROVA, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Russia
Regina R. Guzaerova, Born in 1988. In 2010 she graduated from the philological faculty of Kazan State University, specialty: Russian language and literature. Qualification: Philologist. Teacher. Post-graduate student 3 years of study at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, direction: 06.06.01 Linguistics and literary criticism, specialty: 02.10.01. The theme of the Ph.D. thesis is "Feminists in the modern Russian-language media space: word-building aspect." Is Assistant of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language IFMK KFU. Research interests: word formation, cognitive linguistics, gender linguistics, sociolinguistics, Russian as a foreign language.
V.A. KOSOVA, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Russia
Vera A. Kosova, Born in 1960, Doctor of Philology. In 1982 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Kazan State University, specialty: Russian language and literature. Qualification is Philologist. Teacher. In 1996, she defended her thesis “Suppletivism in the system of the nominative derivation of the Russian language” and in 2014, her doctoral dissertation “The systemic significance of word-formation categories in Russian”.Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language IFMK KFU. Member of the Dissertation Councils of KFU 10.03 and KFU 10.05. Deputy Editor-in-chief of the journal "Scientific notes of Kazan University. Series Humanities".
L. GUZI, Institute of Russian Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov in Prešov. Slovakia

Lubomir Guzi, Born in 1972, Ph.D. Director of the Institute of Russian Studies, Prešov University (Prešov, Slovakia). In 1996 he graduated from the Faculty of Education in Prešov, University of Pavel Joseph Shafarik in Kosice (Slovakia), specialty: teaching general subjects (Russian, history). In 2014 he defended his thesis (Ph.D.) "The language of the revolution and the Soviet period as a structural-lingo cultural model." He is the author of the monographs “The Russian Language and Society in the Revolutionary Period” (2014), “Linguocultural Analysis of the Russian Historical Narrative” (2011), “Formation of Russia as a Multinational State” (2009), as well as a textbook on Russian morphology for Slovak students (2012). Research interests: morphology, word formation, historical and geographical realities of the Russian language.


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Cómo citar
GUZAEROVA, R., KOSOVA, V., & GUZI, L. (2020). Women Derivative Names with Suffix -Чиц (А) / -Щиц(А) in the Russian Media Space. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 276-281. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33700