Emotions and their Effect on Learning

  • R.F MUSTAFINA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • M.S ILINA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • I.A SHCHERBAKOVA Kazan Federal University. Russia
Palabras clave: Emotion, emotional intelligence, learning, well-being. / Aprendizaje, bienestar, emoción, inteligencia emocional.




The article aims to give a general overview of the link between emotions and learning, their impact on the learning process. Adults are believed not to be influenced by emotions as children, neither in their ability to direct their learning process. Emotions can help a person to remember details and at the same time distract them from the learning topic. This article presents different perspectives of negative and positive emotions in learning. Some research reveals the double character that these have, in that when they are positive they can have a negative impact and when they are negative they can positively influence learning.



El artículo tiene como objetivo dar una visión general sobre el vínculo entre las emociones y su impacto en el proceso de aprendizaje. Los adultos creen no estar influenciados por sus emociones cuando niños, ni en la capacidad que ellas tienen de dirigir el proceso de aprendizaje. Las emociones pueden ayudar a una persona a recordar detalles y al mismo tiempo distraerlos del tema de aprendizaje. Este artículo presenta diferentes perspectivas de las emociones negativas y positivas en el aprendizaje. Algunas investigaciones revelan el doble carácter que estas tienen, en cuanto que al ser positivas pueden tener un impacto negativo y cuando son negativas pueden influir positivamente en el aprendizaje.

Biografía del autor/a

R.F MUSTAFINA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Ramilya Fanisovna Mustafina is a teacher assistant in Kazan Federal University. I graduated from Nizhnekamsk Municipal Institute with the degree of teacher of foreign languages and cultures. After graduation I worked as a school English teacher in Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. Currently I am doing my PhD in linguistics.
M.S ILINA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
Ilina Marina Sergeevna is a candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor in Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan Federal University. Education - 1997-2007 Elabuga State Pedagogical Institute, the faculty of philology, a teacher of English and German. Qualification: Teacher of English and German. Scientific interests: students communicative culture formation in foreign language classes in Higher Educational Institution, foreign students adaptation to living and studying conditions in Tatarstan;  foreign language communicative competence formation of University students by using interactive teaching methods
I.A SHCHERBAKOVA, Kazan Federal University. Russia

Shcherbakova Irina Aleksandrovna, Place of employment - Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan Federal University. Education - 1997-2007 Elabuga State Pedagogical Institute, the faculty of philology, a teacher of English and German. Qualification: Teacher of English and German. Scientific interests: students communicative culture formation in foreign language classes in Higher Educational Institution, foreign students adaptation to living and studying conditions in Tatarstan;  foreign language communicative competence formation of University students by using interactive teaching methods as well as Romano-Germanic languages as a whole and communicative strategies and tactics in the expression of subjective-evaluative modality in particular.


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Cómo citar
MUSTAFINA, R., ILINA, M., & SHCHERBAKOVA, I. (2020). Emotions and their Effect on Learning. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 318-324. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33708