Transformation of the "Student" Concept in the Russian Linguoculture

  • Elena Ivanovna KOLOSOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Tatyana Aleksandrovna GIMRANOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia Beijing International Studies University, China
  • Lilia Faatovna KILINA The public university in Izhevsk, Russia
  • Vitaliy Nikolaevich MUZUROV Kazan Federal University, Russia
Palabras clave: Conceptual picture of the world, language linguocultural concept, linguoconceptology, russian language. / Concepto lingüístico, Idioma ruso, Imagen conceptual del mundo, Linguoconceptología.




Current work is part of the research that are located in the crossroads of highly important discipline field of modern linguistics: linguoculturology and linguoconceptology. The following methods were used in the process of the factual material analysis: linguoculturological method, field method, descriptive and diachronic methods and method of component analysis. Main positions and conclusions, as well as the collected factual material, can be used as a supporting material for the creation of special courses about linguoconceptology, linguoculturology or for the teaching of language and culture as foreign ones.



El trabajo actual es parte de las investigaciones que se encuentran en la encrucijada del campo disciplinario altamente importante de la lingüística moderna: la lingüoculturología y la linguoconceptología. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos en el proceso del análisis de material factual: método linguoculturológico, método de campo, métodos descriptivos y diacrónicos, método de análisis de componentes. Las principales posiciones y conclusiones, así como el material fáctico recopilado, pueden utilizarse como material de apoyo para la creación de cursos especiales sobre linguoconceptología, linguoculturología o para la enseñanza de lenguas y culturas como lenguas extranjeras.

Biografía del autor/a

Elena Ivanovna KOLOSOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Born in 1972. Candidate of Philology. In 1995 she graduated from Kazan State University, specialty: Russian language and literature, qualification: Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature. She defended her thesis “Grammatical synonymy of the present tense of the verbs na-in in the Russian language (based on Russian dictionaries)” in 2000. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign IFMK KFU. Research interests: Russian as a foreign language, Russian grammar, intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics.
Tatyana Aleksandrovna GIMRANOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia Beijing International Studies University, China
Born in 1971. Candidate of Philology. In 1995 she graduated from Kazan State University, specialty: Russian language and literature, qualification: Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature. She defended her thesis “Concept“ Life - Death ”in the idiostyle of Mikhail Zoshchenko” in 2004. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign IFMK KFU; Lecturer, Russian Language Department, Higher School of European Languages, Literature and Cultures, Second Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages. Research interests: ethno-oriented approach to the study of Russian as a foreign language, the conceptual sphere of the Russian language, gender linguistics.
Lilia Faatovna KILINA, The public university in Izhevsk, Russia
Born in 1974. Candidate of Philology. In 1996 she graduated from the philological faculty of Udmurt State University. Specialty: Philology. Qualification: Philologist. Teacher. She defended her Ph.D. thesis "Remote letters in the annals of the XIV-XV centuries" in 2000. Head of the Department of Russian Language, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Institute of Language and Literature, Udmurt State University. Research interests: historical stylistics of the Russian language, grammatical semantics.
Vitaliy Nikolaevich MUZUROV, Kazan Federal University, Russia

Born in 1992. In 2014 he graduated from the Kazan (Volga) Federal University with a degree in Philology, qualification: Philologist, teacher. The theme of the thesis is “Linguistics of an artistic symbol”. Assistant of the Department of Russian as a Foreign IFMK. Research interests: linguistic analysis of a literary text, linguoculturology, semiotics, conceptology.



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Cómo citar
KOLOSOVA, E. I., GIMRANOVA, T. A., KILINA, L. F., & MUZUROV, V. N. (2020). Transformation of the "Student" Concept in the Russian Linguoculture. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 325-331. Recuperado a partir de