Floristic Metaphor in French and Tatar Literary Texts

  • Оksana Vladimirovna SHEMSHURENKO Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Raushaniya Razulovna MINGAZOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Marisol GUZMAN CORTEZ Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Palabras clave: Artistic discourse, concept, floristic image, floronym, meronym. / Concepto, discurso artístico, floronimo, imagen florística, merónimo.




This study is devoted to the floristic units of the french and tatar language, which underwent a metaphorical transformation in artistic discourse. The aim of the study is to determine the most significant directions of metaphorical transfer, to identify the common and unique in the process of metaphorization in languages of different structure. The objects of study were floronyms - names of plants in French and Tatar languages, meronyms - names of parts of a plant, as well as lexical units indicating the stage of plant development. The results of the work can be applied in studies of lexicography, translation studies and language theory.



Este estudio está dedicado a las unidades florísticas del idioma francés y tártaro, que sufrieron una transformación metafórica en el discurso artístico. El objetivo del estudio es determinar las direcciones más significativas de la transferencia metafórica, para identificar lo común y único en el proceso de metaforización en lenguajes de diferente estructura. Los objetos de estudio fueron florónimos: nombres de plantas en francés y tártaro, merónimos, nombres de partes de una planta, así como unidades léxicas que indican la etapa de desarrollo de la planta. Los resultados del trabajo pueden aplicarse en estudios de lexicografía, estudios de traducción y teoría del lenguaje.

Biografía del autor/a

Оksana Vladimirovna SHEMSHURENKO, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Born in 1984. Candidate of Philology. In 2006 she graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University”, specialty: Foreign language with an additional specialty, a second foreign language. Qualification: Teacher of English and Turkish. The theme of the Ph.D. thesis: "Isomorphism and allomorphism of complex sentences in Russian, English and Turkish." Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, IFMK KFU. Research Interests: Teaching Foreign Languages.
Raushaniya Razulovna MINGAZOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia
Born in 1979. In 2001 she graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University, specialty: Foreign language with an additional specialty, a second foreign language. Qualification: Teacher of English and French. Graduation qualification work is not performed. Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, IFMK KFU. Research interests: phraseology, lexicology, stylistics.
Marisol GUZMAN CORTEZ, Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Born in 1977. PhD. In 2003 she graduated Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University, the English Department. English Philology. PhD thesis: La competencia sociocultural en la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras: Associate Professor Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University, the English Department. English Philology. Research Interests: English Philology.


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Cómo citar
SHEMSHURENKOО. V., MINGAZOVA, R. R., & GUZMAN CORTEZ, M. (2020). Floristic Metaphor in French and Tatar Literary Texts. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 348-354. Recuperado a partir de