Semantics of Wainamoinen’s Proper Names in Kalevala

  • Evgeniya Nicolaevna BULINA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • Marina Ivanovna SOLNYSHKINA Kazan Federal University. Russia
  • Marina Georgievna BAHTIOZINA Moscow State University. Russia
Palabras clave: Comparison, kalevala, proper names, semantics, Wainamoinen. / Comparación, nombres propios, semántica, Wainamoinen.




The article presents semantic analysis of proper names of Wainamoinen, one of the major characters of the Finnish epos Kalevala. The comparative analysis revealed the following layers of information in Wainamoinen’s proper names: a transparent inner form of names (Väinämäinen / Wainamoinen, Väinö / Waino, Suvantolainen / Suwantolainen, Uvantolaynen, Osmoynen, Kalevainen, Kalevalainen) of finnish origin, language and lack of transparency of Wainamoinen’s names in English, an additional connotation formed by the morphological structures of the names and  a social status, dependent on the relationship of the addresser and the addressee.



El artículo presenta un análisis semántico de los nombres propios de Wainamoinen, uno de los personajes principales del epos finlandés Kalevala. El análisis comparativo reveló las siguientes capas de información en los nombres propios de Wainamoinen: una forma interna transparente de los nombres (Väinämäinen / Wainamoinen, Väinö / Waino, Suvantolainen / Suwantolainen, Uvantolaynen, Osmoynen, Kalevainen, Kalevalainen) de origen finlandés, lenguaje y falta de transparencia de los nombres de Wainamoinen en inglés, una connotación adicional formada por las estructuras morfológicas de los nombres y un estatus social, dependiente de la relación del remitente y destinatario.

Biografía del autor/a

Evgeniya Nicolaevna BULINA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
born in 1984. In 2009 she graduated from the Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, specialization: foreign language. Qualification: English teacher. The theme of the thesis is “Semantic portrait of the Girl / Maid in Russian lyric songs and English folk ballads”. Position: Assistant of the Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, IFMK KFU. Research interests: comparative linguistics, lexical semantics.
Marina Ivanovna SOLNYSHKINA, Kazan Federal University. Russia
In 1984 she graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University. Direction: foreign languages. Qualification: English and German. In 2006, she received a Doctor of Science degree (philological science) in the specialty 10.02.20 - Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics, the topic of the dissertation is "Asymmetry of the structure of the linguistic personality in the Russian and English versions of the marine professional language." Position: Professor, Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, IFMK KFU. Research interests: sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics, language assessment, academic writing.
Marina Georgievna BAHTIOZINA, Moscow State University. Russia
graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University. Qualification: Teacher of English and German. In 1997 she defended her thesis on "The image of the author as a semantic component of a literary text." Since 1998, Associate Professor, Department of Theory of Foreign Language Teaching, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov. Research interests: study of the English-speaking business discourse and the language of modern media, the stylistics of the English-language text, the history of the English language, the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages at a university, adult learning of foreign languages.


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Cómo citar
BULINA, E. N., SOLNYSHKINA, M. I., & BAHTIOZINA, M. G. (2020). Semantics of Wainamoinen’s Proper Names in Kalevala. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 424-430. Recuperado a partir de