Classification of new brackish water microhabitats in Venezuela. Bioecological consideration son the species of aquatic insects in the Araya Península.

Clasificación de nuevos microhábitats de agua salobre en Venezuela. Consideraciones bioecológicas sobre las especies de insectos acuáticos en la Península de Araya.

  • Erickxander Jiménez-Ramos Universidad de Oriente
  • Mauricio García Universidad del Zulia
  • Vanessa Acosta Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: Caribbean coast, coastal wetland, aquatic insects, hydroecological system


Two new brackish waterhydro-ecological systems are identified and classified in the Araya Peninsula, northeastern region of Sucre state, Venezuela. The first is included within the Limnico system, as a temporary brackish water subsystem and the second is described within a marine-coastal brackish water wetland such as the Mangrove. These wetlands present the same microhabitats existing in the fresh aquatic environment, but with typical characteristics of brackish water, in which between 12 and 18 species of aquatic insects of the orders Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Odonata were collected, with greater entomological richness in the temporary lagoon. Satellite images are highlighted for each studied system and the habitual classification isupdated.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Ramos, E., García, M., & Acosta, V. (2021). Classification of new brackish water microhabitats in Venezuela. Bioecological consideration son the species of aquatic insects in the Araya Península.: Clasificación de nuevos microhábitats de agua salobre en Venezuela. Consideraciones bioecológicas sobre las especies de insectos acuáticos en la Península de Araya. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 55(1), 29-56.