Species richness and composition of Capitán Chico mangrove avifauna, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Riqueza y composición de la avifauna del manglar Capitán Chico, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

  • Sonsirée Ramírez Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)
  • Enrique Narváez Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)
  • Anderson Saras Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)
Keywords: Avifauna, Mangrove, Species richness, Migrant birds, Urban area, Capitan Chico, Venezuela


In Maracaibo System there are mangroves that are in risk to disappear and whose avifauna is unknown. We report the richness and composition of bird species associated to Capitan Chico mangrove, located in the urban perimeter of Maracaibo city. This study was conducted between August 2013 and August 2014, through direct observations and mist net captures. Thirty-nine bird species were identified, of which six were migratory, standing out among them Catharus ustulatus, Conirostrum bicolor, Columbina squammata, Eupsittula pertinax y Melanerpes rubricapillus, which were the most abundant species. Species richness was higher compared with other mangroves of the same region (Ana Maria Campos Peninsula and Los Olivitos Swamp), but lower compared to mangroves in eastern Venezuela and the Colombian Caribbean. The differences can be caused by climatic and vegetation characteristics of each locality or by the proximity to urban areas. The bird community of Capitan Chico is representative of the ecotone between the immediate urban area and the interior of the mangrove forest and may be influenced by the avifauna from the nearby natural areas. Mangroves located in urban areas, such as those of Capitan Chico, serve as refuge and protection zones for the wild birds. Presence of winter resident birds shows the importance of this ecosystem for the conservation of migratory species. We suggest declaring Capitan Chico as a protected area.


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Author Biographies

Sonsirée Ramírez, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)

División de Aguas y Diversidad Biológica, Gerencia de Investigación e Innovación
Ambiental, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo
(ICLAM), Maracaibo, Venezuela

Enrique Narváez, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)

División de Aguas y Diversidad Biológica, Gerencia de Investigación e Innovación
Ambiental, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo
(ICLAM), Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Anderson Saras, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo (ICLAM)

División de Aguas y Diversidad Biológica, Gerencia de Investigación e Innovación
Ambiental, Instituto para el Control y la Conservación del Lago de Maracaibo
(ICLAM), Maracaibo, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Ramírez, S., Narváez, E., & Saras, A. (2021). Species richness and composition of Capitán Chico mangrove avifauna, Maracaibo, Venezuela.: Riqueza y composición de la avifauna del manglar Capitán Chico, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 55(2), 149-164. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5780442