Criminological Principles of Preventing Professional Deformation among Penitentiary Personnel

Principios criminológicos para prevenir la deformación profesional del personal penitenciario

Keywords: professional deformation, personal determinants, extreme psychological overload, crime prevention


The purpose of the research was to know the most significant personal and functional determinants of the professional deformation in the penitentiary staff. The importance of legal and moral awareness for the performance of operational and service activities, correction and resocialization of convicts is substantiated. It has been proved that a professionally deformed employee knows the legal and moral norms, but complies with them subjectively and arbitrarily and justifies his actions with various circumstances related to the specifics of the psychology and behavior of convicts. The methodological basis of the research is presented as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal method, method of interpretation, hermeneutic method, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The conclusions identify socio- psychological measures aimed at the prevention of professional deformation of prison staff, among which are: improvement of the system of training, education and professional development; formation and maintenance of a sense of security, confidence in the usefulness and fairness of work. In addition, careful selection of personnel should be carried out taking into account the business qualities and especially the moral qualities of employees, etc.


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Author Biographies

Yan Streliuk, Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management. Ukraine.

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor of Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Department Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management. Ukraine.

Dmytro Kolodchyn, Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, doctoral student of the Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Department Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management, Ukraine. 

Oleksandr Mykhalik , Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management. Ukraine.

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Candidate of Juridical Sciences. Professor of Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Department Prince Vladimir of the Great Interregional Akademy of Personnel Management.

Kostiantyn Podliehaiev, Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

Associate Professor of the National Security Institute of Law Vladimir of the Great Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

Andrii Bohatyrov, Kozelets District Prosecutor's Office. Ukraine.

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Prosecutor of the Kozelets District Prosecutor's Office. Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Streliuk, Y., Kolodchyn, D., Mykhalik , O., Podliehaiev, K., & Bohatyrov, A. (2023). Criminological Principles of Preventing Professional Deformation among Penitentiary Personnel: Principios criminológicos para prevenir la deformación profesional del personal penitenciario. Political Questions, 41(76), 367-377.

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