Satisfacción ciudadana ante la calidad del servicio público: Basamento del Estado Democrático
Citizen satisfaction with the quality of public service: Foundation of the Democratic State
The purpose of the research is to determine the relationship between the quality of administrative service and citizen satisfaction in the District Municipality of Sarin in the year 2022. The population consisted of 163 citizens to whom the 37-item data collection instrument was applied. The empirical information was processed in SPSS and SmartPLS software to calculate the correlation between variables through a structural equation model. It is found that improving public assistance significantly increases citizen satisfaction. In addition, it is shown that optimizing empathy between the official and the user is fundamental to guarantee an adequate perception of public management, strengthening the democratic dispositions of government. In general, the information obtained leads to the conclusion that, in public administration, the user is not a client, but the citizen; where the satisfaction of material requirements becomes the basis for dignified forms of coexistence, justifying the democratic state. Thus, the deterioration of public services is far from causing the cessation of a private company; it is that citizen dissatisfaction prevents democratic forms of coexistence.
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