Journal's History


The journal Divulgaciones Matemáticas was founded in 1993 by mathematicians Ángel Oneto and Alirio Peña, professors attached to the Department of Mathematics (DEMAT), Faculty Experimental of Sciences (FEC), University of Zulia (LUZ).

Vol. 1, No. 1/2, year 1993, consisted of seven articles divided into two sections, namely: Research papers; and Expository and historical papers. Six of these works were elaborated by mathematicians attached to DEMAT. In addition, the journal also included a section of Problems and Solutions, by Prof. José Heber Nieto. Similarly, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, year 1994, consisted of seven articles, five of which were prepared by mathematicians assigned to DEMAT. For these two years, the Editorial Committee was composed by professors Ángel Oneto and Alirio Peña, and there was an Assessor Committee to which the teachers belonged: Jaime Bravo Puebla, Joys Isea de Patiño, José H. Nieto, Edixon Rosales, Fernando Sánchez and Julio Subocz.

For the year 1995, Vol. 3, No.1 / 2, was conformed of seven articles. In this year the journal went through a series of important changes: it expands to national level publishing the work of a mathematician attached to the University of the Andes (ULA) in Mérida; is included in the journal the Mathematics Teaching section, which was in charge of Dr. Darío Durán Cepeda; The editorial committee is refreshed, becoming conformed by the teachers: Darío Durán Cepeda, José Heber Nieto, Ángel V. Oneto R., Gustavo Oquendo, and Alirio J. Peña P.; and creates an email address and website for the journal seeking its international expansion.

For the elaboration of Vol. 4, No. 1/2, year 1996, the presentation of the journal is refreshed (cover), based on a design by Javier Adolfo Ortiz. The roles of the members of the Editorial Committee of the period are established in more detail, namely: Prof. Alirio Peña is designated Editor-in-Chief of the journal; Prof. José H. Nieto is designated as Associate Editor; Prof. Ángel Oneto is designated as responsible for the section of Expository and Historical Papers; Prof. Darío Durán is designated as responsible for the section of Mathematics Teaching Papers; and Prof. Gustavo Oquendo is designated as the person in charge of the Electronic Edition. The volume was conformed of six articles and a Guide for Authors was included at the end.

During the year 1997 the Vol. 5, No. 1/2, conformed by five articles, was published. This volume includes three complete works presented as conferences at the IX Congress of the Venezuelan Mathematical Association of the year, which were carried out at the Faculty ofScience of the University of Zulia. In this year the journal get to expand internationally.

In the year 1998 the Vol. 6 is published, which is divided into two numbers. In this volume ten articles were published, among which was one of the works belonging to the memories of the XI Mathematics Congress, made that year, at Cumaná headquarters of the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), sponsored by the Venezuelan Mathematics Association. The number one was published in July, and the second in February 1999. In this year the Prof. Ángel Oneto stops being part of the Editorial Committee, in addition the Prof. José H. Nieto is designated Chief Editor and the Prof. Genaro Gonzales was included as a member of the committee. In this year, from number two of the volume, Prof. Genaro González was designated Associate Editor, and the journal began to be indexed in Mathematical Reviews, MathSci online, Zentralblatt für Mathematik and Revencyt.

Vol. 7 was published in 1999, including in its totality 15 articles, between those were four papers belonging to the Memories of the XI Mathematics Congress, carried out this year, at Cumaná, Universidad de Oriente (UDO), sponsored by the Venezuelan Mathematical Association. In this volume, starting with the second issue, the journal began to publish the form of making the subscriptions and request exemplars of it. In addition, an index of authors of that number was included.

In the Vol. 8, published in the year 2000, a total of 17 articles were published, distributed in two numbers, nine articles in the first number and eight articles in the second. In the first issue the author index is not published and an index of Publications Received by Mathematical Divulgations from other journals is included. Number two included two indexes of accumulated content of articles published by the journal one in alphabetical order of authors and another in alphabetical order of articles. A accumulated content index was also included in the Problems and Solutions section.

In 2001, Vol. 9 was published with a total of 16 articles divided into two numbers, 9 articles in first and 8 in the second. An Editorial Advisory Committee was created, consisting of mathematicians from various institutions at national level, their members were: Dr. Pedro Berrizbeitia (USB); Dr. Ramón Mirabal (UNET); Dr. Neptalí Romero (UCLA); Dr. Marcos Lizana (ULA); Dr. Raúl Naulin (UDO); and Dr. Wilfredo Urbina (UCV). The second number had as technical collaborator the then student, and current mathematician, MSc. Abdul Lugo.

Vol. 10 was published in 2002 with 13 articles divided into two numbers, 7 articles the first number and 6 articles in the second. This year Prof. Genaro González is appointed as Editor-in-Chief and to the Prof. Darío Durán as Associate Editor. The Prof. Alirio Peña is no longer part of the editorial board. This volume had the technical collaboration of student Javier Hernández.

During the year 2003 was published the Vol. 11, which one was conformed of 15 articles divided into two numbers, 7 articles in the first number and 8 in the second. In this year, Prof. Daniel Núñez is appointed Editor-in-Chief and Professors Genaro González and Prof. Darío Duran are no longer part of the editorial board of the journal. For this volume Prof. José H. Nieto was in charge of the technical processes of editing the magazine.

The Vol. 12 was published in 2004, presented 13 articles divided into two numbers, 6 articles in the first number and 7 in the second. In this year, Prof. José H. Nieto is appointed as Associate Editor. Vol. 13 was published in 2005, being conformed of 14 articles divided into two numbers, 8 in the first number and 6 in the second. This volume had the collaboration of the student Gioconda Herrera.

For the year 2006, the Prof. Vinicio Ríos is appointed as Associate Editor of the journal together with Prof. José H. Nieto. This year Vol. 14 was published, which consisted of 13 articles divided into two numbers, 7 articles in the first issue and 6 articles in the second.

The Vol. 15 was published in 2007 and consisted of 21 articles divided into two numbers, 7 articles in the first issue and 14 articles in the second. The second number of the volume was the first of two special numbers dedicated to the commemoration of the XXX Anniversary of the Postgraduate of Mathematics of theUCV. For the aforementioned number, Dr. Daniel Barráez (UCV) was appointed as Ad Hoc Editor of the journal.

The Vol. 16 was published in 2008 and was made up of a total of 19 articles divided into two numbers, 14 articles were published in the first issue and 5 in the second. The first number of the volume was the second commemorative number of the XXX Anniversary of the Postgraduate of Mathematics of the UCV. For the aforementioned number, Dr. Daniel Barráez (UCV) was appointed as Ad Hoc Editor of the journal.

From its foundation in the year 1993 unti the year 2008, most of the volumes of the journal Divulgaciones Matemáticas were printed by the Taller de Ediciones Astro Data S.A. However, the volumes between Vol. 4 and Vol. 8 were printed in the graphic workshops of the Editorial of the University of Zulia (EDILUZ).

Since its foundation, the journal has always had the Problems and Solutions section, which has always been edited by Prof. José H. Nieto. Only the volumes commemorative of the XXX Anniversary Mathematics Postgraduate of the UCV. Vol. 15, No. 2, 2007 and Vol. 16, No. 1, 2008, did not have the Problems and Solutions section.

Since the year 1998 to the 2008, the journal was always indexed in Mathematical Reviews, MathSci online, Zentralblatt für Mathematik and Revencyt. Divulgaciones Matemáticas was a bastion for Venezuelan mathematical community, they could project their works through the journal at the international level. The journal Divulgaciones Matemáticas reached a level of quality so exceptional, that it achieved a great international reputation. At present, the volumes published in the period indicated above are still referenced in Mathematical Reviews, MathSci online, Zentralblatt für Mathematik and Revencyt.

From the year 2009 until approximately the year 2012, problems such as: scarce funding for printed editions, lack of referees for the evaluation of articles, health problems and personal problems of Editor chief Prof. Daniel Núñez and lack of staff trained in the work associated with the operation of the journal, led to Divulgaciones Matemáticas to enter in a very marked period of inactivity. To try to rescue the journal in those moments, the Editorial Committee was refreshed and became conformed by the professors attached to DEMAT: Vinicio Ríos, Wilson Pacheco, Deivi Luzardo and Edixon Balzán. However, the journal failed to reactivate and remained inactive. Then, between 2012 and 2013, the Prof. Alirio Peña is appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the journal and to the professors Vinicio Ríos and Wilson Pacheco Associate Editors of it, but due to health problems Prof. Peña fails to revive the journal.

For the middle of the year 2015, Prof. Tobías Rosas Soto is appointed as Adjunct Editor of the journal, together with Prof. Alirio Peña (Editor-in-Chief), the mentioned Editorial Committee and the Associate Editors, namely: Vinicio Ríos and Wilson Pacheco, managed to reactivate Divulgaciones Matemáticas. The Prof. Rosas creates a new digital platform for the journal, he getting published the Vol. 17, No.1, 2016 in digital form. In addition, the cover of the magazine is refreshed by an edition elaborated by Prof. Rosas based on a design by Javier Adolfo Ortiz. For the mentioned number, Prof. José H. Nieto provided the Problems and Solutions section. This volume was launched within the framework of the XXIX Venezuelan Mathematics Congress, it held in maracaibo the same year.

On the year 2016 the second number of the Vol. 17 is published. For the years 2017 and 2018 the two numbers of the Vol. 18 and Vol. 19 respectively. However, for middle of the year 2018 the Prof. Tobías Rosas Soto is named as the Chief Editor of the journal and the Editorial Committee of it was refresh. Then from the year 2019 the journal begins its migration to the platform of the journal is now on the portal Scientific and Humanistic Journals of the University of Zulia (ReviCyHLUZ) whose official website is: From this moment the articles are identified with the letterhead of the System of Library and Information Services of LUZ (SERBILUZ).

In 2021 the magazine undergoes a transformation in its main page (created in 2016 with gmail tools), which forces its definitive transfer to the ReviCyHLUZ platform, thus starting to work with an OJS platform and leaving the other web page ( as a support page for old articles until the complete and future transfer of all the files of the volumes and articles comprised between the years 1993-2008.