Guidelines for referees

1.- The first requirement for an article to be publishable is the correction. A work with errors, not easily corrected, is not publishable in Mathematical Disclosures.

2.- Secondly, the exhibition style must be attractive and as fluid and organized as possible.

3.- In the research works, the importance of the topic, the relevance and originality of the results obtained will be taken into account. In summary, the referees must take into consideration the following aspects:

3.1.- Determine the importance of the subject studied.

3.2.- Establish the originality of the discussion.

3.3.- Specify the relevance of the discussion.

3.4.- Check the suitability of the abstract with respect to the text contained in the work.

3.5.- Evaluate if the internal organization of the work is acceptable for the presentation of the ideas contained therein.

3.6.- Make the pertinent observations, writing and style of the work. Namely, check:

  • Spelling in writing the text.

  • Editing and positioning of formulas, tables and images within the text.

  • That the equations respect the indents of the work.

  • The coherence of the ideas contained in the manuscript

3.7.- Review the correct preparation of the bibliographic references, according to the instructions established in the journal template, and check that they are fully referenced in the text of the manuscript.

3.8.- Check that the submitted article is not plagiarism, using any or all of the following free programs:

4.- Establish the section of the journal to which the work submitted for evaluation must belong, according to its criteria, following the following description of the sections:

4.1.- Research Articles: are those that contain original results, not previously published.

4.2.- Popular and Historical Articles: they are novel, educational or historical expositions of known topics. This section qualifies the "surveys" and the works of popularization of interesting but little diffused topics.

4.3.- Articles on Teaching: are those that address the problem of teaching from any point of view. Works that refer to classroom research and specific educational experiences are preferred.

5.- The referees can rate an article as:

  • Publishable without modifications.

  • Publishable with slight modifications.

  • Publishable with substantial modifications.

  • Not publishable.

In the second and third case (publishable with slight modifications or publishable with substantial modifications), the arbitrators must indicate which modifications are required, in the Evaluation Template or in a separate document. If the arbitrator uses a separate document for his observations, he must provide the source of the document in Word or LaTex.

An arbitrator has 5 continuous days to accept or decline arbitration of an article, counted from the date of request for arbitration. If it is accepted, the arbitrator has a total of 60 continuous days (2 months) to evaluate and issue a verdict on the article under review, counted from the date of acceptance of the arbitration.