Qualitative study of the metabolism of an ingested drug

Keywords: Mathematical mode, qualitative analysis


In the present paper, a qualitative study of a mathematical model for the elimination of a drug from the human body is carried out, particularly the case in which the fundamental matrix of the system has a null eigenvalue and another pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues, through examples the results obtained are verified. Additionally, a preliminary study of the metabolism of a drug in the body until its elimination, the effect it causes and its incidence
in Cuba is carried out.


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How to Cite
Aguilar León, B., Fernández Garcı́aA. A., Sánchez Domı́nguezS., & Ruiz Chaveco, A. I. (2024). Qualitative study of the metabolism of an ingested drug. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 29-43. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/divulgaciones/article/view/42236
Research papers