Top(X) y Spec(τ ) como espacios primales

Keywords: Primal topology, prime spectrum, semiring, Alexandroff topology


An Alexandroff topology can be defined over a non-empty set \(X\), through a function \(f:X\to X\), deciding that the open sets are those subsets \(A\subseteq X\) that contain their preimage, that is \(\tau_f:=\{A\subset X: f^{-1}(A)\subseteq A\}\). This topology is called primal topology and the space \((X, \tau_f)\) is called primal space. In this work we explore a primal topology \(\tau_\psi\) induced on \(Top(X)\), through the funtion \(\psi: Top(X)\to Top(X)\) defined as \(\psi(\tau)=\overline{\tau}\), with \(\overline{\tau}\) the closure of \(\tau\) in \(2^X\) with the product topology. It is shown that the set of all Alexandroff topologies in \(Top(X)\) is dense in \((Top(X),\tau_{\psi^*})\), with \(\tau_{\psi^*}\) the cotopology. It is also shown that the set \(\phi(\tau):=\{A\in \tau_\psi :\tau\notin A\}\) is a maximal ideal of \(\tau_\psi\) if and only if \(\tau\) is Alexandroff. Finally we explore the primal topologies in the prime spectrum of a semiring.


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How to Cite
Benavides, V., & Vielma, J. E. (2024). Top(X) y Spec(τ ) como espacios primales. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 44-53. Retrieved from
Research papers