Social outbreak and pandemic: from councils to common pots. The case of the Norte Grande of Chile

  • Bernardo Guerrero Jiménez Universidad Arturo Prat
  • Alexander Pérez Mora Universidad Arturo Prat
Keywords: Common Pots, Social outbreak, Pandemic, Civil society, Crisis, Solidarity


The connection between the social outbreak of October 18, 2019, with the Covid19 health crisis is descriptively analyzed. It is proposed to visualize both phenomena interconnected with each other and not in a sequential line. He wonders about the role of civil society in overcoming both the Constitution of the year 80, product of the Pinochet dictatorship, and in the way of protection against health risks. Special attention is paid to the expressions of solidarity that these crises have triggered in the reality of the North of Chile


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How to Cite
Guerrero Jiménez, B., & Pérez Mora, A. (2020). Social outbreak and pandemic: from councils to common pots. The case of the Norte Grande of Chile. Espacio Abierto, 29(4), 106-117. Retrieved from