Anthropo-Semiotics of the body. Pandemic and transformations on the Corposphere: space, desritualización and identities

  • José Enrique Finol Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Pandemic, body, space, ritualization, identities


In this text we intend to examine the imaginaries and representations of the body, understood from an anthropo-semiotic point of view, and their relationships with the concepts of spatialization, ritualization and identity, within the framework of the pandemic that affects the planet. Journalistic information articulated to an anthropo-semiotic vision of our daily experience, of our own condition as subjects and objects of the pandemic, have been taken as reference data. The research shows that in the face of the pandemic, proxemic relationships between subjects have been disrupted, which has generated a new spatial language. Likewise, the de-ritualization of activities such as wakes, funerals and age celebrations, as well as the lack of identification of many victims of the virus, have led to an erosion of personal and family identity and to a social anomia


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How to Cite
Finol, J. E. (2020). Anthropo-Semiotics of the body. Pandemic and transformations on the Corposphere: space, desritualización and identities. Espacio Abierto, 29(4), 178-195. Retrieved from