Ontosemiotics against Covid-19 as sensitive hermeneusis

  • Luis Hernández Carmona Universidad de Los Andes
Keywords: Epistemology, ontosemiotics, pandemic, seclusion, obituary, hope


In addition to all the medical-scientific characterizations, Covid-19 has been configuring an important field of significance and weighting of various logics of meaning that try to account for an intricate and complex semiosis, here defined as the pandemic, to systematize a indispensable means of interpretation of the enunciative dialectic of the present times. From this perspective, I have considered it convenient to outline the theoretical approaches of Gastón Bachelard with respect to the epistemological obstacle and thus to show the argumentation broadening with different views tending to cover elements that contribute to the argumentative strengthening of the unit of analysis. For this, Ontosemiotics is assumed as a theoretical-methodological approach to summon a series of variables around the enunciating subject and infer about the pathemic configuration as a clutch zone of the social, cultured, ideological and all those constituent elements of the semiosis of the pandemic that are part of the referential mainstreaming constituent of enunciative planes. Among the variables to refer to, the social confinement and domestic seclusion that they search for their opening sites on social networks stand out, although paradoxically they seem to constitute a great contemporary obituary that constantly stalks man between anguish and hope


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How to Cite
Hernández Carmona, L. (2020). Ontosemiotics against Covid-19 as sensitive hermeneusis. Espacio Abierto, 29(4), 246-266. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/espacio/article/view/35071