The European Union facing the challenges of the 21st Century. Between Brexit and Covid-19


The present contribution pursues the objective of deepening the knowledge of the relationships between essential edges that define the trajectories of the European integration process, for which the author ventures into the economic, legal and social elaborations that make up the original body from which it emerges. the European Union. The methodology that this author has followed resides in the initial study of the historical roots of the referred process to venture into a hermeneutics of the legal architecture that accompanies the process to reveal contributions and gaps in conjunction with the epistemology that bases the process from economic conceptions. Of the social market economy and the ordo liberalism that have given it life.


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How to Cite
González Andarcia, M. E., Díaz Rodríguez, B. F., & Farfán Pinoargote, D. F. (2023). The European Union facing the challenges of the 21st Century. Between Brexit and Covid-19. Frónesis, 30(2), 78-103. Retrieved from