Globalization, Social Antagonism and Democracies from a Western Reflection

  • Salvador Cazzato Universidad del Zulia
  • Benjamin Machado Universidad del Zulia
  • Luis Vega Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Occidentalidad, paradigm mercadocéntrico, social antagonism


The aim of this article has been to approach the different political and social dimensions as for the narrow relations given between the globalization as paradigm of cultural imposition and the dialectical links that he guards with the phenomena of democratization and of social antagonism that day after day are perceived in the world of the Occidentalidad - inside that of the ideal one of the democracy. This current fenomenología of associate events (globalization, democratization and social antagonism) shows herself as a context of political practices inscribed and assigned to the questioned paradigm globalizador central market that here there removes, which has managed to expand - as western maxim - inside innumerable local areas of companies, but that has reduced emphasis to the axioms - that accompany her - associated on the frames of conflict, as well as of social movements of resistances inscribed in the known thesis hobbessiana of “ all against all ” . This investigation, it denotes the use of the critical analysis of content Hobbes and the social analysis departing from Mouffe’s critical postulates and others, to present the contributions described with regard to the demanding review of the democratic nature hic et nunc and the practices sociopolíticas western that stem at present from this political fenomenología generated inside the public spaces assigned to the western axis.


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How to Cite
Cazzato, S., Machado, B., & Vega, L. (2024). Globalization, Social Antagonism and Democracies from a Western Reflection. Frónesis, 23(1), 8 - 24. Retrieved from