Retirement regime in the public sector: Where is the social state of law and justice in Venezuela?
The objective of this work is to analyze the retirement regime in the public sector, emphasizing the circumstances that surround the guarantees offered by a social state of law and justice, especially to retirees. Regarding the methodological framework, the present investigation was constructed as a type of documentary and descriptive investigation, with a non-experimental, transectional design. The data collection technique was documentary and bibliographic observation, since a series of books by different authors were selected, as well as judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice. Among its main conclusions it is found that even when the retirement regime is constituted as a set of rules that regulates the cessation and retirement of a worker or official for reasons of age, time of service and contribution to the fund, It was determined that this constitutional social right, represented by obtaining a monthly monetary contribution, does not constitute a periodic income tending to cover the living expenses of the retiree, the State failing to comply with the obligation to respond to the progressiveness of the right to retirement, allowing its petrification in time and preventing individuals from obtaining the necessary tools for constant adjustment in favor of their well-being, in correspondence with the purpose of the fundamental precepts.
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