Influence of environmental factors in women telemarketers with migraine and headaches, evaluated through a form based on the International Classification of Disability and Health

  • Claudia Leticia Peña Testa Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Pedro Enrique Villasana López Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Germán Mauricio Moreno Leiva Universidad de las Américas
  • Juan Guillermo Estay-Sepúlveda Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Migraine disorders, headache, atmosphere, International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health, telemarketers


Headaches and Migraines are characterized by recurrent and disabling pain. They are one of the main causes of absence from work, however, it has not been determined what are the environmental factors that influence people who suffer from these types of disorders. The aim of the study is to identify the main environmental factors that influence on “contact-center” executives who suffer from migraines and headaches. The study is quantitative-descriptive, the sample consisted of 32 women between 45-65 years of age from the La Florida district of Chile, with a diagnosis of chronic headache or migraine, the participants answered a survey through a CIF form for environmental factors, with the variables: Medications, use of technological devices, means of transportation, workplace architecture, home architecture, climate, friends, close relatives, health professionals and public politics. In the categorization the factors can be considered as Facilitator, Barrier or Neutral. Among the results, the following factors were considered as facilitators: Medications, friends, close relatives. Barriers or limiters were considered: use of technological devices, the climate, public policies. They obtained a neutral result: means of transport, architecture of the workplace, architecture of the home and health professionals. It can be concluded that the identified facilitators were the presence or help of friends and family, along with medications and the main barriers were public policies, the use of technological devices and the weather


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Author Biography

Juan Guillermo Estay-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad Adventista de Chile

Universidad de Salamanca, España

Universidad de Temuco, Chile


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How to Cite
Peña Testa, C. L., Villasana López, P. E., Moreno Leiva, G. M., & Estay-Sepúlveda, J. G. (2021). Influence of environmental factors in women telemarketers with migraine and headaches, evaluated through a form based on the International Classification of Disability and Health. Gaceta Laboral, 27(1), 48-58. Retrieved from