Legal comparison of public and private employment in Ecuador

  • José María López Domínguez Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Keywords: public employment, private employment, strike, vacations, Ecuador


The objective of the research is to compare the legal regime of public and private employment in Ecuador, which is why it is approached with the descriptive-documentary research strategy, supported by the analytical method. Obtaining information meets criteria such as: Constitutional, legal, doctrinal, newspapers. Being necessary an understanding of the issue referring to the two different regimes that are typified in terms of the enjoyment of fundamental labor rights regarding strikes and vacations between the public and private sectors in Ecuadorian legislation and in international instruments signed by the Republic of Ecuador. It is concluded that it is up to the Republic of Ecuador to weigh and consolidate rights in a harmonious manner for all citizens. Likewise, the vacation regime in the public sector is much more advantageous than that applicable to the private sector, which generates a clear distinction between sectors of workers.


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How to Cite
López Domínguez, J. M. (2024). Legal comparison of public and private employment in Ecuador. Gaceta Laboral, 28(2), 118-128. Retrieved from