Hepatitis B y VIH dos problemas de salud pública tratables
Hepatitis B and HIV two treatable public health
La co-infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) aumenta el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad por VHB. La hepatitis B afecta al 8-10% de las personas que viven con VIH debido al modo común de transmisión. La terapia antirretroviral activa contra el VIH en el virus de la hepatitis B contra la infección primaria por el virus de la hepatitis B, los hallazgos demuestran que la terapia antirretroviral activa contra el VIH protege contra la aparición de infección por VHB de Novo, con efectividad y seguridad mayor cuando se usa tenofovir. Las personas con VIH de mayor riesgo para VHB pueden necesitar apoyo adicional o series de vacunación de curso más corto para aumentar la tasa de inmunidad protectora contra el VHB.
Huang C et al. Randomized Trial of HBV Revaccination in MSM Born in the Neonatal Vaccination Era. 29th Virtual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 12-16, 2022, abstract 544
Jain MK et al. New Hepatitis B infection among HIV patients: Who is at risk? 29th Virtual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 12-16, 2022, abstract 548
Heuft MM, et al. Protective effect of hepatitis B virus-active antiretroviral therapy against primary hepatitis B virus infection. AIDS. 2014;28:999-1005.
Bavinton BR, Pinto AN, Phanuphak N, et al. Viral suppression and HIV transmission in serodiscordant male couples: an international, prospective, observational, cohort study. Lancet HIV. 2018;5(8):e438-e447.
Rodger AJ, Cambiano V, Bruun T, et al. Risk of HIV transmission through condomless sex in serodifferent gay couples with the HIV-positive partner taking suppressive antiretroviral therapy (PARTNER): results of a multicentre, prospective, observational study. Lancet. 2019;393(10189):2428-2438.
Mustanski B, Ryan DT, Remble TA, D’Aquila RT, Newcomb ME, Morgan E. Discordance of self-report and laboratory measures of HIV viral load among young men who have sex with men and transgender women in Chicago: implications for epidemiology, care, and prevention. AIDS Behav. 2018;22(7):2360-2367.
Rodger AJ, Cambiano V, Bruun T, et al. Sexual activity without condoms and risk of HIV transmission in serodifferent couples when the HIV-positive partner is using suppressive antiretroviral therapy. JAMA. 2016;316(2):171-181.
Panel on Treatment of Pregnant Women with HIV Infection and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission. Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant Women with HIV Infection and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States. Updated April 14, 2020. Accessed October 14, 2020. https://clinicalinfo.hiv.gov/sites/default/files/inline-files/PerinatalGL.pdf
Rendina HJ, Cienfuegos-Szalay J, Talan A, Jones SS, Jimenez RH. Growing acceptability of Undetectable = Untransmittable but widespread misunderstandings of transmission risk: findings from a very large sample of sexual minority men in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020;83(3):215-222.