Topical issues of the applied study of mobbing
At the present stage of societal development, the social phenomena and processes that used to be considered undesirable, negative, and even obscene as recently as in the last century are, unfortunately, becoming increasingly widespread. Mobbing, which implies psychological harassment of individual members of the workforce, undoubtedly must be recognized as one of such phenomena. Mobbing has reached such a great scale in many countries of the world that it can no longer be ignored. Meanwhile, it has to be admitted that society has not yet developed a universal view of mobbing as a purely adverse phenomenon or process. In this regard, studies aimed at the quantitative assessment and statistical evaluation of the main parameters of mobbing at a time when applied science is clearly and noticeably lagging behind the actual needs of society are of great scientific and applied interest. As a result, there is still no logically justified system of indicators of mobbing, which would allow its comprehensive characterization, as well as answering complex questions about the actual position and role of such a social phenomenon. The study analyzes the specific features of a quantitative assessment of mobbing, explores the possible approaches to creating a system of mobbing indicators, and provides proposals for the systematization of mobbing indicators allowing to assess not only the scale but also the socio-economic consequences of mobbing.
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