Digital democracy and artificial intelligence governance: Social issues
The digitalization of democracy means that more people have the opportunity to interact with the institutions and organs of public power by means of information and communication technologies in a process that, apparently, facilitates the exercise of citizenship and the enjoyment of civil liberties. In this context, it is not unusual to think that artificial intelligence will be actively integrated into the decision- making apparatus of contemporary democracies. Therefore, the aim of the research is to describe the social problems of digital democracy and the use of AI in government. The research made use of the philosophical method of the maieutic type and the documentary research technique, with the collection of sources of a scientific nature. It is concluded that there are three possibilities concerning digital democracy and AI: first, a constructive scenario where these technologies mean progress for democracy in the world; second, a scenario of moderate optimism, which identifies the positive and negative aspects of these experiences; and third, a critical scenario, which sees the integration of AI into the political life of society as negative for democracy.
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