Emotional responses to corruption across various sectors of society: content and dynamics

Keywords: corruption perception, attitudinal tolerance, university-to-work spectrum, education sector corruption, differential emotions scale, content analysis


This article analyzes the content (characteristics and modality) and dynamics of emotional reactions to corruption in education, career, professional life, and society among individuals within the university-to- wok spectrum, in relation to their corresponding attitudes toward corruption. Surveys, content analysis and tests were applied (Izard's Differential Emotions Scale. The results indicate that within the university- work spectrum, the predominant attitudes towards corruption are the relationships of Business Economic Transaction and Instrumental Value. Regardless of the type of attitude, corruption as a social phenomenon elicits negative emotions among all participants (except for students who show neutrality towards corruption perceived as an instrumental value) and specifically in the career and professional fields among working respondents. The nature of emotions fluctuates depending on the attitude towards corruption, its context of manifestation, and the status of the respondents. It is concluded that within the spectrum that goes from university to work, the dynamics of respondents' emotional responses to corruption in education, career and professional fields, and in society in general, is conditioned by their attitude towards corruption, manifesting itself in specific emotional reactions, changes in the nature and modality of


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How to Cite
Dzhaneryan , S., Gvozdeva, D., Gabdulina, L., Belova, E., & Kim, A. (2024). Emotional responses to corruption across various sectors of society: content and dynamics. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(3), 647-660. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11154833