Prospective vision of political and economic trends on the international scene: Period 2024-25

Keywords: prospective vision, political and economic trends, international scenarios, critical geopolitics


Prospective analysis, i.e., a coherent vision of the possible outcome of the political and economic trends that will set the tone for international events in the period 2024-2025, is essential for policy makers and academics interested in understanding the real and possible scenarios in which strategic decisions are made, defining the pace of contemporary states. In this sense, the objective of the research was to reveal the possible outcome of the trends observed in the following vectors: globalization, international relations, recurrent economic crises, technology and environment in today's world. Methodologically, use was made of prospective hermeneutics and historical phenomenology applied to documentary sources from scientific articles, academic monographs and press releases from the most widely disseminated international media. In general terms, the conclusions suggest that the planning and management of the future, the essential purpose of prospective analytics, in the face of the complex realities that are emerging on the international scene, should focus, as of now, on the restructuring of national planning organizations and the adaptation to a dynamic of zero economic growth: stagnant, recessive, declining or stagflationary.


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How to Cite
Chubur, N., Khvist, V., Sarakun, L., Slyva, A., & Shevchenko, N. (2024). Prospective vision of political and economic trends on the international scene: Period 2024-25. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(3), 895-909.