Competency-based model for the development of teachers’ personal and professional qualities
This study presents the theoretical foundations of a competency-based model for the training of university teachers. Based on a review of the scientific literature, the paper analyzes the concepts of competence and key competence, establishing that the innovative educational process is leading key competencies to become the basis of this model. From the theoretical aspects of the problem, the model is characterized in the innovative educational process of higher education. The model includes basic and key competencies as components in the preparation of higher education teachers for the innovative educational process, with the innovative competence being the leading one. The model is a theoretical structure that determines the objectives, principles, structure, content, and methods to achieve the conditions established by universities for the personal and professional development of teachers in the context of the innovative educational process. It identifies the requirements for university teachers, substantiates the basic and key competencies, and fills them with content as part of the model’s structure. The model presents a system of interconnected components: basic and key competencies, whose mastery contributes to personal and professional development, increasing the competitiveness and professional mobility of higher education teachers, in line with the requirements of the innovative educational process.
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