Amazonas: Integration in the Country as a Citizen Action

  • Manuel Suzzarini Baloa Centro de Estudios Históricos. Universidad del Zulia.
Keywords: Dirt road, Citizens, Puerto Ayacucho, Caicara del Orinoco, Integrate


I present this testimony about the construction of the Puerto Ayacucho
– Caicara del Orinoco dirt road –similar to the pike road but public–, as a contribution to the understanding of the historical effort of the citizenship, that aware of the isolation in which their region lives, they seek to open a path that can overcome geographical obstacles for the integration into neighboring regions. Even when they were clear about the isolation in which they lived, they  didn’t feel the interest of the State to integrate them into the national whole. As well as they managed to create a school – center of secondary education – the citizens managed to open roads of integration to the country.


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Baloa Villegas, Antonio María (1979). Entrevista al vecino de Puerto Ayacucho. Informante. Testimonio recogido en el 1979.
Bustamante, Rafael (2015). Entrevista al vecino de Puerto Ayacucho – Informante. Testimonio recogido el 16 de febrero de 2015.
Cárdenas Rodríguez, José Rafael y González Sanabria Marcelo (2007). Hidrografía, fuentes y recursos hídricos. En Geo Venezuela. Fundación Polar Tomo Dos - Caracas.
Carrera Damas Germán (1997). Una nación llamada Venezuela. Monte Ávila Editores Latinoamericana. Caracas.
Escandell García, Héctor (2007). Estado Amazonas. En Geo Venezuela. Fundación Polar – Tomo Cinco – Caracas
Silva de Maniglia, Nelly (2015). Entrevista a la vecina de Puerto Ayacucho – Informante. Testimonio recogido el 18 de febrero de 2015.
How to Cite
Suzzarini Baloa, M. (2022). Amazonas: Integration in the Country as a Citizen Action. Omnia, 24(3), 46-57. Retrieved from