Management principles: A view from the directors of educational institutions

  • Luisana Eunice Sira Moreno UNIR
Keywords: Management principles, directives, educational institutions


This article compiles the Management Principles from the different points of view of the authors that can be applied by the Directors of Educational Institutions to achieve better use of the staff's work capacity. The Management principles proposed by Fayol, Taylor and James Mooney are essential for the directors of institutions today to be able to put into practice since it is necessary to highlight that the manager or director of the institutions must always draw up the guidelines to make the decisions. activities, and exercise good leadership to delegate authority to the subordinate to fulfill their obligations. This study was framed in the descriptive type, with a non-experimental, field, and transectional design. In an institution, members must always respect the hierarchy chain of command as a means to integrate the tasks of different workers and establish hierarchical ties.


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Author Biography

Luisana Eunice Sira Moreno , UNIR

Doctora en Ciencias Humanas. Magíster Scientiarum en Geología Petrolera, en Educación Mención Gerencia de Organizaciones Educativas. Licenciada en Ciencias y Tecnología de la Educación. Universidad del Zulia. Diseñadora Instruccional. UNIR. Maracaibo, Edo- Zulia


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How to Cite
Sira Moreno , L. E. (2024). Management principles: A view from the directors of educational institutions. Omnia, 29(1), 44-61. Retrieved from