Dialogue and axiological qualities in the teaching thought of Paulo Freire
The purpose of this research has been to analyze the notion of dialogue in the pedagogical thought of Paulo Freire. The investigation is justified, since it intends to explain the notions of dialogue, in contrast to the educational fact and as an opportune path towards the liberation of the oppressed. The research approach is qualitative and the method used is hermeneutic. It is concluded that Freire interprets the neoliberal system as the scenario of power that oppresses the subjects, while education is the instrument of change for the achievement of a more supportive and humane world. As such, dialogue frees and makes subjects aware of their existence, where they recognize themselves in the midst of their similarities and differences. As such, a call is made to educators and students towards social, political and cultural commitment, because education by itself is not enough to transform the world, but without it is impossible to do so.
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