Reading great literary works for children without resorting to adaptations

  • Esteban Arenas Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: World literature, reading enthusiasm, reading aloud for kids


The purpose of this paper is to present a pleasant and practical way to introduce children to novels not intended for a child audience by means of a particular reading method.  This method or technique is the result of a personal experience linked to the promotion of literature that I have carried out for a long time with children and family members. Throughout this short paper, emphasis will be placed on the role of Enthusiasm as a determining factor for a full reading aloud aimed at children from the age of eight. Aspects such as the reader's oral competence, discourse management and children's willingness to listen attentively to stories or novels will be considered. In short, the research in question aims to demonstrate that reading to children literary works that are well above their reading level should not represent a traumatic or burdensome event


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Author Biography

Esteban Arenas, Universidad del Zulia

Estudiante del séptimo semestre de la Escuela de Letras, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La Universidad del Zulia, escritor y promotor de lectura


Buzzati Dino (1987). El Desierto de los Tártaros. Barcelona, España. Hyspamérica, Ediciones Orbis. Jorge Luis Borges, Biblioteca Personal.
Wells, Herbert (1984). La Máquina del tiempo. Barcelona, España. Hyspamerica, Ediciones Orbis, Jorge Luis Borges, Biblioteca Personal.
Moravia, Alberto (1984). La Romana. Colombia. Editorial La Oveja Negra.
Hemingway, Eenest (1974). Adiós a las Armas. Barcelona, España. Ediciones Orbis.
How to Cite
Arenas, E. (2024). Reading great literary works for children without resorting to adaptations. Omnia, 29(1), 169-182. Retrieved from