The geohistorical approach as a didactic strategy of situated learning

  • Gerardo Valera Universidad del Zulia
  • Joan Lozada Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Geohistorical approach, didactic strategy, situated learning


The present investigation had the purpose of theoretically analyzing the Geohistorical Approach as a didactic strategy that configures situated learning, based on theoretical contributions Palencia (2003), Ceballos (2003; 2007), Morillo, et al (2010) Montiel y Vera (2011), Ramírez y Puerta (2013), among others, and supported by legal documents such as the current National Constitution (1999) and the Organic Law of Education (2009). The study was classified as descriptive with a documentary design, the unit of analysis being documents, texts and electronic sources, representing the findings through descriptive matrices of the aforementioned authors. Among the main contributions, it is highlighted that the Geohistorical Approach is a situated didactic strategy, endorsed by the Organic Law of Education that allows, through the student's experience and their daily life, to know their environment from multiple approaches or perspective (inter and transdisciplinary vision ), promoting the formation of an individual situated in society and favoring meaningful learning. In addition, its methodology and tools promote the production of geographical theories and the training of social researchers through the community approach. All these geographical categories make up learning situated from the geohistorical approach, contributing positively to the teaching-learning process


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Author Biographies

Gerardo Valera, Universidad del Zulia

Doctorante en Ciencias Humanas LUZ. Centro de Estudios Geográfico. Investigador de Temáticas Educativa en los niveles de  Media General y Universitaria. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La Universidad del Zulia

Joan Lozada, Universidad del Zulia

Doctorante en Ciencias Humanas LUZ. Centro de Estudios Geográfico. Coordinador de Planificación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La Universidad del Zulia


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How to Cite
Valera, G., & Lozada, J. (2024). The geohistorical approach as a didactic strategy of situated learning. Omnia, 30(1), 180-192. Retrieved from