The narrative and argumentative dimensions of discursive representations in the Argentine press

The narrative and argumentative dimensions of discursive representations in the Argentine press

  • Sebastián Sayago Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: discursive representations, press, violence, Argentina


This paper presents a model of discursive representations in the press consisting of two dimensions, one narrative and one argumentative. In order to empirically test the model, an analysis is proposed that combines three perspectives: a communicational one, an ideological one, and a discursive one. The first draws on concepts from Agenda-Setting Theory (Rogers and Dearing, 1988; Aruguete, 2015) and Framing Theory (Entman, 1993; Sádaba, 2008), the second draws on concepts from the materialist current of Discourse Analysis (particularly Pêcheux and Fuchs, 1975), and the third draws on concepts from the study of Discursive Representations (Pardo, 2008; Marchese, 2015, 2019; Sayago, 2019a). The methodology is dialectical and qualitative (Sayago, 2019b). The corpus consists of 45 news texts from three Argentine newspapers with national coverage, which differ from each other in their ideological positions. The results obtained confirm the productivity of the model presented.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Sayago, Universidad del Zulia

This paper presents a model of discursive representations in the press consisting of two dimensions, one narrative and one argumentative. In order to empirically test the model, an analysis is proposed that combines three perspectives: a communicational one, an ideological one, and a discursive one. The first draws on concepts from Agenda-Setting Theory (Rogers and Dearing, 1988; Aruguete, 2015) and Framing Theory (Entman, 1993; Sádaba, 2008), the second draws on concepts from the materialist current of Discourse Analysis (particularly Pêcheux and Fuchs, 1975), and the third draws on concepts from the study of Discursive Representations (Pardo, 2008; Marchese, 2015, 2019; Sayago, 2019a). The methodology is dialectical and qualitative (Sayago, 2019b). The corpus consists of 45 news texts from three Argentine newspapers with national coverage, which differ from each other in their ideological positions. The results obtained confirm the productivity of the model presented.


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How to Cite
Sayago, S. (2024). The narrative and argumentative dimensions of discursive representations in the Argentine press: The narrative and argumentative dimensions of discursive representations in the Argentine press. Quórum Académico, 21(1), 62-83. Retrieved from