• Myriam Bonilla Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.
  • Beatriz Ordoñez Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.
  • Mónica Jürgensen Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.
Keywords: Mediation, Conflict Resolution, holistic model, pedagogical management, ZC model


This article aims to analyze mediation in conflict resolution in basic education institutions: based on the principles of the ZC model. The research was descriptive, with a non-experimental, transectional field design. The population was constituted by one hundred ten (110) subjects, being distributed of the following way eleven (11) managers and ninety and nine (99) teachers. In order to gather information, a versioned instrument was used for managers and teachers, with Likert scale of (36) items, Concluding that respondents do not maintain an effective dialogue, do not participate in the advantages of mediation within the institution and rarely seek Satisfactory arrangements for the parties involved in a problematic situation; For which it recommends publicizing the findings as well as implementing guidelines for the strengthening of school mediation, deploying an educational society based on the principles of equity where rights are respected as duties as a collective goal of common welfare, allowing To the educational actors the development of competences according to the resolution of conflicts in institutions of Basic Education.


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Author Biographies

Myriam Bonilla, Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.

University of Pamplona, Graduate in Child Pedagogy - Specialist in University Pedagogy - Doctorate in Educational Sciences (URBE). Teacher- Researcher

Beatriz Ordoñez, Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.

Bachelor of Social Work, Specialist in occupational and vocational guidance. Teacher- Researcher. Teacher and Researcher- University of Pamplona

Mónica Jürgensen, Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia.

University of Pamplona, Professor and Researcher. Bachelor of Education with an emphasis in Computer Science- Specialist in University Pedagogical Practice


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How to Cite
Bonilla, M., Ordoñez, B., & Jürgensen, M. (2022). MEDIATION FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN BASIC EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE HOLISTIC MODEL OF PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT (ZC). Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 16(2), 285-305. Retrieved from