Keywords: Psychological contract, organizational socialization, university students


The objective of this article is to reflect on an aspect of organizational behavior, such as the psychological contract that is generated between university students and the Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago of the Universidad del Zulia as an educational organization. It describes the stages of the socialization process
followed by the new students at the Nucleus, analyzing the characteristics of this population that affect in different ways this core process, which affects their
successful academic performance, especially those related to the stage of the psychological contract as part of the socialization process. Finally, some final
reflections on the subject are established, among which the importance of the psychological contract in the establishment of a harmonious and nurturing
organizational climate in the university context is highlighted.


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Author Biography

Mariana Fernández Reina, La Universidad del Zulia

Doctor of Education; Magister Scientiarum in Educational Guidance; Research Methodology Specialist; Graduate in Education, Mention in Pedagogical Sciences, Guidance Area.


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Portada RFG No. 2   2018
How to Cite
Fernández Reina, M. (2024). THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT: : THE CORE STAGE OF ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 17(2), 130-150. Retrieved from