Keywords: Organizational commitment, Responsibility, Co-responsibility


The research was aimed at understanding the elements of organizational commitment present in management personnel within the framework of their leadership exercise, in joint companies and subsidiaries of the Venezuelan Petrochemical Sector, Western sector. The study was developed within the framework of the qualitative epistemological approach, through the ethnographic method. Management personnel were taken as key informants, to whom in-depth interviews and direct observation were applied. In this sense, the research was oriented towards the search for solutions to a problem observed in terms of organizational commitment, in order to give impetus to the principle of co-responsibility and contribute to the positive change in the culture of the organization.


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Author Biography

Jhon Barrios, The University of Zulia

Doctorate in Business Management (LUZ). Master in Management, Finance Mention. Atty. Public Accounting (LUZ).


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How to Cite
Barrios, J. (2024). A LOOK AT THE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT LEADER IN THE JOINT VENTURES AND SUBSIDIARIES OF THE PETROCHEMICAL SECTOR OF VENEZUELA. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 23(1), 9-25. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/rafg/article/view/42200