Heat penetration attributes in thermally processed prawns in glass containers
Thermal processing is a vital operation in the area of food preservation. The preservation in glass allows to extend the durability of the products. The characteristics of penetration by heating of the processed product in retort by the application of steam were studied. The canned shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) contained in glass containers and in a brine medium were thermally processed to minimum values of F0 of 5.16 min, 2.61 min, 1.06 min and 0.73 min at 121°C. The heat penetration values were recorded for each minute of processing with the temperature recorder. It was observed that the time to reach the retort temperature 121°C ranged from 19 min to 27 min in steam. The parameters of heat penetration of the canned prawns in glass ranged from fh between 7.94 to 24.1 min and jh between 0.66 to 2.65. The total process time predicted with the modified Ball method ranged from 19.69 to 57.92 min for canned prawns in glass brines sterilized in steam. The heat penetration attributes of canned prawns in glass brine, allowed achieving commercial sterility.
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